Bethany’s Graphic Design Department oversees the Graphic Design major along with related coursework.

Graphic Design Major
The graphic design major provides opportunities for those looking towards a career in art and design with a broad-based, liberal arts foundation. Beginning with the principle that knowledge is the source of creativity, students are
Graphic Design Faculty

YFAC 207
- Drawing
- Life Drawing I
- Professional Practices Seminar
- Life Drawing II
- Digital Illustration/Concept Art I
- Digital Illustration/Concept Art II
- Portfolio/Senior Project
- Senior Exhibition
- Art Internship
- Graphic Design I:Tools, Methodology, and Vocabulary
- Graphic Design II: Graphic DesignStudio
- Graphic Design III: Introductionto Web and UX Design
- Graphic Design Senior Project/Capstone - Part One
- Graphic Design Senior Exhibition
- Graphic Design Internship
- Graphic Design Independent Study
- Media Arts Internship