A teacher holding the Special Education Academic and Behavioral Strategist license is authorized to provide evaluation and specially designed instruction to eligible children and youth with disabilities from kindergarten through age 21 who have a range of mild to moderate needs in the areas of academic, behavior, social/emotional, communication, and functional performance. These students may be eligible for special education services in the primary disability areas of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), developmental cognitive disability (DCD), emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD), other health disorders (OHD), and specific learning disabilities (SLD).
Continuing Education: Contact Dr. Carrie Pfeifer for post-baccaluareate program information.
Bethany education majors are trained in the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program and spend time as an AVID tutor at a variety of grade levels. AVID is a nationally recognized program that provides study skills and college preparation training for students traditionally underrepresented in higher education. AVID students are often the first in their family to graduate from college.
Bethany Lutheran College Education Programs are accredited by the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB).
Contact for more information
Special Education Faculty
These faculty members teach many of the courses required by the Special Education Major. See also the Special Education Department.

Associate Professor
ML 102
- Introduction to Education Clinical
- Educational Psychology & Human Relations Clinical
- Teaching Science in Elementary Classrooms
- Teaching Mathematics Clinical
- Curriculum Planning and Assessment
- Curriculum Planning and Assessmentin Middle and Secondary Classrooms
- Classroom Management
- Capstone for Professional Educators
- Student Teaching I: SPED
- Student Teaching II: K-12 Art
- Educational Studies Internship andSeminar
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography
- Logic and Critical Thinking
- Special Education IEP & TransitionPlanning
- Special Education Law and Advocacy
- Behavior Mgmt & Classroom Environments for Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Practicum II
- Behavioral Methods & Mental Healthfor Mild to Moderate Disabilities
- Emotional, Behavioral, and TraumaBased Disorders

Vice President
Title IX Coordinator
Instructor -Teaching Christian Faith
OM 236

Professor- Education
ML 101
- Methods in Teaching K-12 Art
- Methods in Teaching 5-12 Communications Arts and Literature
- Methods of Teaching Health Education
- Methods in Teaching Middle Level and Secondary Mathematics
- Methods of Tchng Secondary Phys Education
- Methods in Teaching 5-12 Social Studies
- Literacy Foundations
- Foundations of Literacy
- Educational Psychology & Human Relations Clinical
- Teaching Health and Human Performance
- Early Literacy Clinical
- Intermediate Literacy
- Methods of Elementary Social Studies
- Introduction to the Exceptional Learner Clinical
- Teaching Reading and Writingin the Content Areas
- Teaching the Christian Faith Clinical
- Educational Technology and Media
- Integrating the Fine Arts in Elementary Education
- Capstone for Professional Educators
- Student Teaching I: SPED
- Student Teaching II: D Middle LevelSocial Studies
- Educational Studies Internship andSeminar
- Identification and Assessmentfor Special Education Services
- Literacy Assessment & Interventionsfor Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Practicum I
- Consultation, Collaboration & Resources in Special Education
- Principles and Strategies for Effective Inclusion
Program Learning Outcomes
Bethany Lutheran College students majoring in special education will meet the following objectives as they fulfill the requirements for the B.A. degree and Minnesota State Licensure:
- Master course content that includes curriculum, pedagogy, and proficiencies based on the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice for Teachers.
- Demonstrate performance objectives that require effective instructional planning, delivery, and assessment skills for all students.
- Develop professionalism as evidenced by the candidate’s professional growth in several areas including self-confidence, sensitivity to the learner’s needs and awareness of classroom effectiveness, and awareness of the need for continual growth.
- Write clearly and coherently, read with comprehension, speak effectively, and listen with care and openness.
- Use mathematical skills and knowledge of quantitative methods of assessment and evaluation.
- Use appropriate technologies as tools for problem solving and for finding, analyzing, and communicating information.
- Think critically and reflectively and draw reasonable, supportable conclusions both individually and in groups.
- Cultivate physical and psychological health and well-being within oneself and others.
- Engender the will to pursue continued cultural, intellectual, professional and spiritual growth.
- Integrate an ethical perspective, a sense of moral purpose, and an understanding of the Christian faith.
Special Education Scope
Bethany’s special education major offers Minnesota state-approved teaching licensure for Special Education K–12. The focus of the Special Education major will be Academic Behavior Specialist.
Entry into the Major
The liberal arts serve as a foundation on which students build their professional education sequence.
- Successful completion of 55 credits of general education core courses
- An application to the special education major
- A one-page autobiographical essay
- A transcript that verifies a 2.75 GPA in the core education major classes
- A preliminary plan for matriculation through the major
- Interview with the Education Department
- A positive clinical experience from EDUC100 Introduction to Education, 230, and/or 370
General Education Requirements
- COMM111 Fundamentals of Speech 3 cr.
- ENGL100 Stretch Composition I and ENGL101 Stretch Composition II 3 cr. each, or ENGL110 College Writing I 3 cr.
- Fine Arts elective 3 cr.
- HIST207 History of USA I or HIST208 History of USA II 3 cr.
- International Language 8 cr.
- Lab Science elective 5 cr.
- Literature elective 3 cr.Math elective (MATH110 or higher) 3-4 cr.
- RELG108 Essentials of Christianity I and RELG109 Essentials of Christianity II, or RELG110 Introduction to Christianity I and RELG111 Introduction to Christianity II 4 cr.
- RELG200 elective 3 cr.
- RELG300 or 400 electives 6 cr.
- SMNR101 Freshman Seminar 2 cr.
Education Requirements
A grade of C+ or higher must be obtained in each of these courses as these courses contain embedded licensure standards.
- EDUC100 Introduction to Education 3 cr. and EDUC100CL Clinical 0 cr.
- EDUC230 Educational Psychology & Human Relations 3 cr. and EDUC230CL Clinical 0 cr.
- EDUC401 Educational Technology and Media 2 cr.
- EDUC450 Curriculum Planning and Assessment 2 cr.
- SOCL330 American Minorities 3 cr.
Special Education Core Requirements
A grade of C+ or higher must be obtained in each of these courses as these courses contain embedded licensure standards.
- EDUC211 Literacy Foundations 2 cr.
- EDUC325 Intermediate Literacy 3 cr.
- SPED200 Identification and Assessment for Special Education Services 3 cr.
- SPED300 Special Education IEP & Transition Planning 4 cr.
- SPED310 Special Education Law and Advocacy 2 cr.
- SPED320 Literacy Assessment & Interventions for Students with Disabilities 4 cr.
- SPED340 Behavior Mgmt & Classroom Environments for Students with Disabilities 3 cr.
- SPED350 Special Education Practicum I 1 cr.
- SPED360 Special Education Practicum II 1 cr.
Academic and Behavioral Strategist Licensure
A grade of C+ or higher must be obtained in each of these courses as these courses contain embedded licensure standards.
- EDUC390 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas 3 cr. and EDUC390CL Clinical 0 cr.
- EDUC430 Teaching Mathematics 4 cr. and EDUC430CL Clinical 0 cr.
- EDUC486 Capstone for Professional Educators 2 cr.
- EDUC495 Student Teaching I-G Student Teaching I (SPED) 12 cr.
- EDUC497 Student Teaching II-G Student Teaching II (ABS/SPED) 4 cr.
- PSYC325 Psychology of Child Development 3 cr.
- SPED370 Consultation, Collaboration & Resources in Special Education 2 cr.
- SPED400 Behavioral Methods & Mental Health for Mild to Moderate Disabilities 3 cr.
- SPED401 Principles and Strategies for Effective Inclusion 4 cr.`
Important requirements of all students completing Minnesota Elementary Education licensure at Bethany Lutheran College:
Entry into the Education Program/Major:
- Successful completion of 16 credits of general education core courses including EDUC100
- An application to the education major
- Verification from academic advisor of a 2.75 GPA in the core education major classes
- Interview with a committee from the Education Department
- A positive clinical experience report from EDUC100
Maintain 2.75 GPA Complete all standards based courses with a “C+” or better
Pass the following Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exams:
- MTLE: Pedagogy K-6 or 5-12
- MTLE: Special Education Core
Complete all courses required for Minnesota State Licensure
- Submit proof of a valid first aid/CPR/AED certification
- Satisfactory completion of Teaching Internships and Seminar
- Satisfactory completion of the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA)
- Satisfactory completion of Professional Portfolio
Note: An appeals process is outlined in the Education Handbook. According to Minnesota Statute 122A.09 Subdivision 4(c), a candidate who remains unsatisfied with a dispute regarding recommendation for licensure may appeal the decision to the Minnesota Board of Teaching. Bethany Lutheran College Education Programs are approved by the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB).
This minor is a series of courses in the special education course sequence of Bethany Lutheran College. This minor seeks to engage general education professionals in a highly professional level of assessment, support and differentiation for students with special education needs. The 18 credits in the minor includes 1 credit of practicum experience.
- SPED200 Identification and Assessment for Special Education Services or SPED300 Special Education IEP & Transition Planning 3-4 cr.
- SPED310 Special Education Law and Advocacy 4 cr.
- SPED320 Literacy Assessment & Interventions for Students with Disabilities 4 cr.
- SPED350 Special Education Practicum I or SPED360 Special Education Practicum II 1 cr.
- SPED340 Behavior Mgmt & Classroom Environments for Students with Disabilities 3 cr.
- SPED370 Consultation, Collaboration & Resources in Special Education 3 cr.
To view the most recent course list and requirements for the elementary education major, please consult the Academic Catalog.
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